Automatic pool covers offer a range of cost-saving benefits that make them an ideal choice for many pool owners. When closed over the pool, an automatic pool cover will help conserve chemicals, reduce water loss through evaporation, and lower energy costs by not having to constantly reheat the pool. In addition to these savings, a good safety cover can keep debris out of the pool, so you don't have to clean it as often. When it comes to choosing between automatic and manual pool covers, there are pros and cons to both. Manual covers use fabric and a crank, while automatic covers are powered by motors. Automatic covers are especially beneficial for indoor pools, as they can reduce energy consumption by up to 70%. They also provide a cleaner swimming environment by blocking dirt and debris from entering the pool. Automatic pool covers can also be used as a safety measure to prevent drowning. However, they are not suitable for larger free-form pools, as the cost and mechanical problems increase significantly with wider decks. Additionally, if you live in an area with heavy snowfall, you will need to open the automatic pool cover during winter months to prevent damage. The decision of whether or not to include an automatic pool cover will depend on your budget, desired level of safety, and other factors. However, you can use one for safety during spring and summer when the pool is in use. Overall, automatic pool covers offer excellent cost-saving benefits that make them an ideal choice for many pool owners. They help conserve chemicals, reduce water loss through evaporation, lower energy costs, keep debris out of the pool, and provide a safer swimming environment.

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