Monitoring the area around the pool and the rest of the property is key to preventing the development of mold and structural damage due to excess moisture. A relative humidity level of 50 to 60 percent is recommended to avoid high humidity problems. To avoid moisture problems in the indoor pool, a relative humidity of 50 to 60% is recommended. The general rule for pool dehumidification systems is to keep the air temperature 2 degrees higher than the water temperature.
So, for example, you could try to have the air in space at 84°F and the temperature of the water at 82°F, with a relative humidity in the range of 50 to 60%. The relative humidity in indoor pools should be maintained between 50 and 55%, at about 26°C during winters and 23°C during summers. Most indoor, residential or commercial pools, deep or shallow, must have a dehumidifier. This will help you maintain between 50 and 60 percent of relative humidity.
This will also cool or warm the air to a set point to maintain the humidity level. Without the help of this, the space is likely to depend on exhaust or outside air. Controlling humidity in pool areas is essential for swimmers, but it can also ensure the stability of the pool and the surrounding building. Because both heat and humidity increase and expand, it's common practice to install exhaust fans on the roof of an indoor pool.
The indoor pool spaces are designed to be comfortable places for hotel guests to enjoy recreational swimming. Humidity control is essential for indoor pools because of a variety of factors, such as health, hygiene, safety, etc. As water vapor evaporates and goes out into the air, other water vapor condenses back into the pool. An indoor pool is a delicate ecosystem that requires moisture control in addition to the regular maintenance of the chemistry, cleaning and filtration of the pool.
You can't expect a normal pool service professional, no matter how good, to maintain a pool dehumidifier and manage indoor pool moisture issues. Since much of the heat loss from indoor pools is due to the evaporation of moisture from the pool surface, a dehumidification system can help pool owners reduce energy costs. Dry wood doesn't rot without the help of moisture, so moisture control in pool areas can keep the wood intact. As highly specialized systems, pool dehumidifiers also require routine service by an HVAC technician to keep them in good working order and avoid moisture problems in the indoor pool.
Indoor pools can be a great source of entertainment and are quite common in Middle Eastern countries.